August 2012 | |
1 August (date to be confirmed) |
Infant Massage Week
IAIM Australia
The first week of August is traditionally Infant Massage Awareness Week.
This is an opportunity for IAIM members across the country to highlight the
benefits of regular massage can bring to carers and babies.
P.O. Box 288
1-7 August | World Breastfeeding Week
United Nations
World Breastfeeding Week aims to protect, promote and support
breastfeeding, the best way to provide newborns with the nutrients they
3 August | Jeans for Genes Day
Children's Medical Research Institute
Jeans for Genes Day is the major fundraising event for the Children's
Medical Research Institute, who is on a mission to reduce the number of children
born with genetic illnesses.
6-12 August | Homeless Persons Week
Homelessness Australia
Homeless Persons Week is aimed at raising awareness of the roughly 105,000
Australians who are homeless.
02 6247 7744
PO Box 288
6-12 August |
Winter Sleepout
Mission Australia
While most Australians spend winter nights at home with the heater on,
there are an estimated 105,000 homeless individuals in Australia. Mission
Australia raises funds and awareness during the Winter Sleepout by encouraging
people to leave the comfort of their homes and spend one night as a homeless
person to see how difficult it really is.
07 3394 8136
L8, 580 George St
7 August (date to be confirmed) |
Anxiety Disorders Week
Anxiety Recovery Centre Victoria
Anxiety Disorders week is an awareness week for OCD and Anxiety Disorders.
Events include support and social activities, seminars and promotional
9 August | International Day of the World's Indigenous People
United Nations
This is a day used to celebrate and recognize the stories, cultures and
unique identities of indigenous peoples around the world.
10 August |
Krishna Janmashtami
Krishna Janmashtami is a Hindu celebration of the birth of Krishna, an
avatar of the god Vishnu.
12 August | International Youth Day
United Nations
International Youth Day is a reminder that investment in the worlds youth
will provide a better future for all.
12-18 August | National EOS Awareness Week
ausEE Inc.
National EOS Awareness Week is a week to raise awareness for eosinophilic
gastrointestinal disorders in Australia.
13 August (date to be confirmed) |
National Science Week
Department of Education
National Science Week celebrates the contributions Australian Scientists
have made to the world. There are hundreds of activities, events and debates
across the country during the week.
Location 340 Department of Education, Science and
GPO Box 9880 CANBERRA ACT 2601 |
13-19 August | Local Government Week
Local Government and Shires Associations of
Local Government Week provides a focus for councils to promote the
importance of Local Government to the community. The week provides opportunities
for public participation in Local Government and shows the community how they
can be part of their council's day-to-day activities. It enables councils to
educate the community about the importance of the services that local government
13-19 August |
Brain Injury Awareness Week
Brain Injury Australia
Brain Injury Australia is the peak body representing people with acquired
brain injury (any damage to the brain that occurs after birth). Brain Injury
Awareness Week aims to increase understanding of the various issues associated
with acquired brain injuries.
02 9591 1094
02 9591 1094
PO Box 220
13-19 August | Haemochromatosis Awareness Week
Haemochromatosis Australia
Haemochromatosis Awareness Week aims to raise awareness of
haemochromatosis, or inherited iron overload disorder. Haemochromatosis is the
most common genetic disorder in Australians of European descent. The disorder
can lead to serious, even fatal health issues if untreated but once diagnosed,
is easily treated. The week will highlight the need for early detection and
treatment so that those born with the genetic condition can lead normal, healthy
1300 019 028
PO Box 154
13-19 August | Children's Vision Week
Optometrists Association Australia's
Children's Vision
Children's Vision Week, organised by the Optometrists Association
Australia, is a week for children to learn about the importance of good vision.
Children are taught the importance of regular eye checks with an optometrist,
and the importance of good eyesight during their school years.
(03) 9668 8500
(03) 9663 7478
PO Box 185
15 August | Cupcake Day
Cupcake Day for the RSPCA is the biggest bakeoff in the Southern Hemisphere
and involves Cupcake Cooks around Australia baking cupcakes and hosting a
Cupcake Party to raise vital funds for the RSPCA.
17-19 August | 40 Hour Famine
World Vision Australia
The 40 Hour Famine is one of Australia's biggest youth fundraising events.
participants raise money by spending 40 hours fasting, and getting a taste of
what it's like to go without.
18-24 August |
Children's Book Week
Children's Book Council Of Australia
Schools and public libraries celebrate Children's Book Week every year by
offering activities and competitions to encourage children to enjoy
19 August | World Humanitarian Day
United Nations
World Humanitarian Day is used to increase public awareness about
humanitarian assistance activities worldwide and the importance of international
cooperation in this regard, as well as to honour all humanitarian and United
Nations and associated personnel who have worked in the promotion of the
humanitarian cause and those who have lost their lives in the cause of
19 August |
Eid al Fitr - Islam
During the month of Ramadan Eid al-Fitr is a time of charitable giving,
peace-making and spiritual renewal.
19-25 August | Hearing Awareness Week
Deafness Forum of Australia
Hearing Awareness Week provides an opportunity to raise community awareness
of hearing impairment and ways to protect your hearing.
(02) 6262 7808
218 Northbourne Avenue
19-25 August | Speech Pathology Week
Speech Pathology Australia
Speech Pathology Week showcases the speech pathology profession and
highlights how important literacy is to everybody at all stages of life.
03 9642 4899
2nd Floor, 11-19 Bank Place
20-26 August | Keep Australia Beautiful Week
Keep Australia Beautiful National Association
The aim of the Keep Australia Beautiful campaign is to demonstrate the easy
ways people can help the environment and also save money by making a few simple
changes around the home and in their daily lives.
03 9592 4001
GPO Box 193
23 August | International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and Its Abolition
United Nations
International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition
is intended to inscribe the tragedy of the transatlantic slave trade in the
memory of all peoples. In accordance with the goals of the intercultural project
"The Slave Route", it should offer an opportunity for collective consideration
of the historic causes, the methods and the consequences of this tragedy, and
for an analysis of the interactions to which it has given rise between Africa,
Europe, the Americas and the Caribbean.
24 August | Daffodil Day
Cancer Council Australia
Daffodil Day raises essential funds for cancer research, prevention and
support services.
28 August (date to be confirmed) |
Australia's Unity Walk for Parkinson's
Parkinson's NSW & Parkinson's
Australia's Unity Walk for Parkinson's is an event used to raise funds for
important research, and increase the support services provided for people living
with Parkinson's, their families and carers.
NSW: 02 9281 4190 VIC 1800 644 189
29 August | National Meals on Wheels Day
Australian Meals on Wheels Association
National Meals on Wheels Day is an opportunity to celebrate the 78,700
volunteers that contribute to their community.
29 August (date to be confirmed) |
National Literacy and Numeracy Week
Australian Government Department of Education,
Employment and Workplace Relations
National Literacy and Numeracy Week promotes the importance of literacy and
numeracy and celebrates schools making a difference in literacy and numeracy
29 August |
International Day against Nuclear Tests
United Nations
International Day Against Nuclear Tests is used to remind UN member states
of the dangers of nuclear weapons, and the hope that nuclear disarmament is
31 August | International Overdose Awareness Day
The Salvation Army Crisis Services
Overdose Awareness Day is a commemorative day which acknowledges individual
loss and family grief when loved ones have suffered overdose and are either
permanently injured or have lost their life. The day also aims to raise
awareness about overdoses from the use of both licit and illicit drugs.
31 August (date to be confirmed) |
Doctors for Doctors Day
Medecins Sans Frontieres Australia
This annual day raises funds for the emergency medical work of Medecins
Sans Frontieres by encouraging doctors to support their colleagues in the field,
who practise medicine at the frontline in communities confronting disaster,
epidemic, war and other crises
1300 13 60 61
02 9552 6539
Level 1, 263 Broadway
GLEBE NSW 2037 |
August National Days and Celebrations
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