June Nation Days and Celebrations

1-7 June
Organisation: The Australian Thyroid Foundation
Thyroid Awareness Week highlights thyroid health research, treatments and outcomes, and the importance of good thyroid health.
National/State: National
Phone: (02) 9890 6962
1-8 June
Organisation: The Australian Society for Medical Research
Medical Research Week is organised by The Australian Society for Medical Research, and comprises of expositions, meetings, lectures, debates and many more events to highlight current medical research issues.
National/State: National
Phone: 02 9256 5450
Address: 145 Macquarie Street
1-21 June
Organisation: Open Family Australia
The 21 Challenge is your chance to help homeless youth by doing something you love, perhaps something you don't love, or maybe something you've never done before, for 21 continuous days in June. You might stop using swear words, eating chocolate, wearing makeup or you could start something like going to yoga every day for 21 days, only drinking water or sporting a crazy hairstyle. The 21 Challenge starts on June 1st and finishes on June 21st, the longest night of the year in the southern hemisphere and one of the most difficult nights for young people living on the streets. Participants raise funds while undertaking their Challenge with all the benefits of their efforts going towards Open Family Australia's Outreach programs to benefit at-risk and homeless young people.
National/State: National
Phone: 1300 669 900
2 June
Organisation: International Fund for Animal Welfare
Launched in 2008 by IFAW, National Whale Day is a celebration of the whales and dolphins that migrate to our coastlines annually and Australia's position as a world leader in whale conservation. Join us by running or taking part in an event in your local area.
National/State: National
Phone: 02 9288 4973
3 June
Mabo Day commemorates the anniversary of the 1992 High Court decision in the case brought by Eddie Mabo and others which recognised the existence in Australia of native title rights. The historic court decision buried the legal description of early Australia as 'terra nullius', or 'no man's land."
National/State: National
3-9 June
Organisation: Bowel Cancer Australia
Bowel Cancer Awareness Week aims to raise public awareness of a disease that claims the life of one Australian every two hours. 1 in 12 Australians will develop bowel cancer in their lifetime and it is the second largest cause of cancer deaths after lung cancer. It affects both men and women, young and old.
National/State: National
Phone: 02 9923 8269
Fax: 02 9923 8290
4 June
Organisation: United Nations
The purpose of International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is to acknowledge the pain suffered by children throughout the world who are the victims of physical, mental and emotional abuse.
National/State: International
5 June
Organisation: United Nations
World Environment Day aims to be the world's biggest and most widely celebrated environmental action event.
National/State: International
6 June
Organisation: Bowel Cancer Australia
On Red Apple Day Australians are encouraged to help raise funds for bowel cancer research and awareness through the purchase of an apple pin.
National/State: National
Phone: 02 9923 8269
Fax: 02 9923 8290
8 June
Organisation: The Ocean Project
World Oceans Day is a chance to celebrate what the ocean provides for every person.
National/State: International
11-15 June
Organisation: Kidsafe WA
Safety in Schools week aims to reduce the incidence of school injury through education.
National/State: WA
Phone: (08) 9340 8509
Address: GPO Box D184
11-17 June
Organisation: Men's Health Information and Resource Centre
International Men's Health Week aims to increase awareness of the importance of good health in men, boys and their families.
National/State: International
12 June
Organisation: United Nations
World Day Against Child Labour aims to focus attention on the global extent of child labour and the efforts needed to eliminate it.
National/State: International
12-15 June
Organisation: Australian Government Initiative
National Cyber Security Awareness Week is designed to raise awareness among Australians of cyber security risks and simple steps they can take to protect their personal and financial information online.
National/State: National
Phone: 02 6271 7062
14 June
Organisation: Australian Red Cross Blood Service
World Blood Donor Day is a reminder of the importance of blood donation. 1 in 3 people will need blood in their lifetime, while just 1 in 30 people currently donate.
National/State: International
14-21 June
Organisation: Australian Homoeopathic Association
A week used to raise awareness of the benefits of homeopathic treatments. Celebrated on the anniversary of the birthday of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homœopathy, in 1755
National/State: International
15 June
(date to be confirmed)
Organisation: International Network for the Presvention of Elder Abuse
Used to spread knowledge of the abuse of Older people, World Elder Abuse Awareness day aims to eliminate the abuse of older people across the world.
National/State: International
17 June
(date to be confirmed)
Organisation: Cancer Council NSW
The City Mile Dash is used by the NSW Cancer Council to spread awareness of the dangers of an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle in men, who have a 1 in 2 chance of developing cancer in their lifetime. To encourage a healthy lifestyle all Sydney workers are encouraged to enter and enjoy the mile dash alongside the Sydney Harbour.
National/State: NSW
Phone: 1300 65 65
Address: 153 Dowling Rd
17 June
Organisation: United Nations
World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought to promote public awareness of the issue, as well as developing a focus on the effects of climate change.
National/State: International
17-23 June
Organisation: Alcohol and other Drugs Council of Australia
Drug Action Week aims to the issues that accompany drug and alcohol use. It is also an opportunity to recognise the achievements of the workers who work hardest to reduce drug-related harm.
National/State: National
Address: PO Box 269
17-23 June
Organisation: The Refugee Council Of Australia
Refugee Week is used to inform the public about refugees and celebrate positive contributions made by refugees to Australian society.
National/State: National
Phone: 02 9211 9333
Address: 4A6, 410 Elizabeth Street
18-22 June
Organisation: Queensland Community Foundation
The purpose of Philanthropy Week is to raise awareness of philanthropy itself, honour those who make an outstanding contribution to the community and advance support for the state's charities and community service organisations through sustainable giving. During the week the Queensland Community Foundation holds an awards luncheon to recognise significant philanthropic achievements.
National/State: QLD
Address: GPO Box 450
20 June
Organisation: United Nations
World Refugee Day is used to raise awareness of the difficult lives led by refugees.
National/State: International
21 June
Organisation: MND Australia
MND Global Day raises awareness of Motor Neurone Disease (MND), which is a progressive neurological disease.
National/State: NSW
Phone: 1800 777 175
Address: PO Box 990
23 June
Organisation: United Nations
The UN Public Service Day intends to celebrate the value and virtue of public service to the community; highlight the contribution of public service in the development process; recognize the work of public servants, and encourage young people to pursue careers in the public sector.
National/State: International
24 June
Organisation: Multiple Sclerosis Queensland
The Brissie to the Bay Bike Ride is a fundraising event for Multiple Sclerosis.
National/State: Brisbane
Phone: 1800 287 367
Address: Locked Bag 370
24-30 June
Organisation: Continence Foundation of Australia
World Continence Awareness Week aims to increase understanding of the health habits that will help people avoid bladder and bowel issues in their lifetimes.
National/State: National
Phone: 03 9347 2522
Address: 30-32 Sydney Rd
25 June
Organisation: United Nations
The Day of the Seafarer celebrates the unique contribution made by seafarers from all over the world to international seaborne trade, the world economy and civil society as a whole.
26 June
Organisation: United Nations
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is a day used to raise awareness of the threat to public health and safety that illicit drugs pose.
National/State: International
27 June
Organisation: Positive Women
Positive Women Victoria strongly supports Global HIV testing day with the aim to assist people who are HIV positive and are not aware of their status in order to prevent further HIV infections
National/State: National
Phone: 9076 6918
29 June
Organisation: SIDS and Kids
Red Nose Day is the national fundraising event day for SIDS and Kids held throughout the month of June. Red Nose Day provides critical funding for a 24-hour bereavement support service, community education to reduce incidents of SIDS and fatal sleeping accidents, and research into areas such as SIDS and stillbirth. To date it is estimated that SIDS and Kids has saved the lives of over 6,500 babies across Australia.
National/State: National
Phone: 1300 173 366
Address: Suite 1, 98 Morang Road,
29 June
Organisation: Scleroderma Australia
We campaign for a world in which equal rights, treatments and care are offered to people with scleroderma, and in which such diseases are not forgotten, but afforded the consideration and attention of other more widely known diseases. Having a disease that nobody has heard of is a lonely business. So World Scleroderma Day was created to raise awareness of what it means to have this disabling disease. June 29 is a day to recognise the bravery of those who live with this disease and to demand equal treatment and equal care for people with scleroderma.
National/State: International
Phone: 02 9990 5159
Address: C/- St. Vincent's Hospital
47 Victoria Parade

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