Thursday, April 26, 2012

Premier's Disaster Relief Appeal Extended to May 4th

Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal Application

Extended until: - 4thof MAY 2012

CLICK HERE to access the form

This is important!

We have been contacted by Red Cross this is a copy of the email.

Included in these letters is an invitation to the applicants that should they have any queries regarding the payment they can call 1800 901 933 and similarly for those who have been advised they are not receiving assistance, they too are welcome to call 1800 901 933 for additional advice or how to access our appeals process.

Any concerns should be raised as soon as possible as the deadline for any concerns is Friday, 25 May, when these appeals will be assessed.

 Even though the closing date for applications to the Appeal was Friday, 16 March, the Distribution Committee has advised that due to remaining funds they are willing to accept new applications from those who may not have realised the Appeal was available or perhaps there are those who did not apply believing they would be covered but have since been denied their insurance claim. It is expected that amounts allocated to late applications in this final round may be less than in the first round due to the reduced amount of funds available.

The closing date of any further applications would be Friday, 4 May. Following the Appeals Decision Meeting on Friday 25 May any and all remaining funds would then be distributed to existing applicants as decided by the Distribution Committee.

As a reminder, applications can be faxed through to me at 3367 7444. As we are at this very final stage please ask the applicant to phone me on 1800 901 933 to advise they are sending through the application so that I can check it has come through successfully. Otherwise I will have no way of knowing if for some reason the fax is not received successfully. Again, all applications will be responded with an acknowledgement letter. Applicants must ensure they receive this proof that their applications have been received, and if not, to contact me.

I hope the above information is helpful. Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.

Kind regards,


CLICK HERE to access the form you need to complete.

Completed forms can be mailed to:

Australian Red Cross Premier’s Disaster Relief Appeal

Replied Paid 1822

Milton BC QLD 4064

OR Faxed to:


Or emailed to:

For more information please see this website. RED CROSS

If you need assistance with faxing this form please visit the office on MARSS and we will fax them for you.

If you know someone who needs assistance to fill this in please call Tilly on 0427 786 851.

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